Online Courses

Build your skills to accelerate the business growth trajectory  

The platform has 10 e-learning courses that are developed specifically considering the needs of renewable energy SMEs in Africa and Asia. The courses cover topics such as business foundation, financial accounting, sales and marketing, among others and include reading content, videos, sector-specific examples, case studies, tools and assignments. The content is downloadable and can be printed to ensure ease of learning.

In addition to the e-learning courses, the platform also provides SMEs with access to e-mentorship support (upto 3 hours per learner for all courses undertaken). The learners have the option to choose a mentor. The mentor will work with the learners over the duration of the course and will provide them with mentorship support as needed.

The learners will receive a certificate for the successful completion of the course and related assessments.

Business Operations - English
Business Operations - English

This course provides fundamentals of operations Management and Planning, Operational Efficiency and Risk, Management etc., and covers the basic concepts implementing systems within the organizations to improve efficiency. 
The learners will have access to e-mentorship support (up to 3 hours per learner for all courses undertaken) and they will have the option to choose a mentor. The mentor will work with the learners for the course and will provide them with mentorship support as needed.
The learners will receive a certificate for the successful completion of the course, related assignments and filling the feedback form.

Fundraising - English
Fundraising - English

This course provides fundamentals of fundraising covering key topics such as basics of fundraising, crafting compelling pitch decks, identifying the right investors, and building lasting investor relationships. Through interactive lectures, real-world case studies, and personalized feedback, participants will gain the confidence and expertise to navigate the fundraising landscape, securing the vital financial support they need to propel their early-stage businesses to new heights.

Human Resource Management - English
Human Resource Management - English

The Human Resource Management course is an enlightening and practical online course designed to empower entrepreneurs with the fundamental skills and knowledge to effectively manage their human resources. This course provides fundamentals of essential HR principles, including talent acquisition, employee onboarding, performance management, fostering a positive company culture, and ensuring legal compliance. Through engaging modules, interactive simulations, and real-world case studies, participants will gain the expertise to nurture a motivated workforce and lay the groundwork for sustainable growth and success in their businesses.

Fundraising - French
Fundraising - French

Ce cours fournit les bases de la collecte de fonds en couvrant des sujets clés tels que les bases de la collecte de fonds, l'élaboration de dossiers de présentation convaincants, l'identification des bons investisseurs et l'établissement de relations durables avec les investisseurs. Grâce à des conférences interactives, des études de cas réels et des commentaires personnalisés, les participants acquerront la confiance et l'expertise nécessaires pour naviguer dans le paysage de la collecte de fonds et obtenir le soutien financier vital dont ils ont besoin pour propulser leurs entreprises en phase de démarrage vers de nouveaux sommets.

Human Resource Management - French
Human Resource Management - French

Le cours de gestion des ressources humaines est un cours en ligne pratique et instructif conçu pour permettre aux entrepreneurs d'acquérir les compétences et les connaissances fondamentales pour gérer efficacement leurs ressources humaines. Ce cours fournit les bases des principes essentiels des ressources humaines, y compris l'acquisition de talents, l'intégration des employés, la gestion des performances, la promotion d'une culture d'entreprise positive et la garantie de la conformité légale. Grâce à des modules attrayants, des simulations interactives et des études de cas réels, les participants acquerront l'expertise nécessaire pour entretenir une main-d'œuvre motivée et jeter les bases d'une croissance et d'une réussite durables de leur entreprise.